Character Transfer Information and Restrictions (2025)

The Character Transfer service allows you to move characters to other realms, or different World of Warcraft accounts.

It is not possible to transfer a character between World of Warcraft, WoW Classic Era, and WoW Classic Progression.

It is not possible to transfer a character between accounts. For more information, please refer to the blog post.

Additional Restrictions

Customer Support cannot bypass any of the below restrictions.

Character Restrictions

If you are also changing your character's faction, please also check our Faction Change Effects support article.

  • You cannot transfer a character if you have a pending Great Vault reward
  • You can transfer a character from a realm to another once every 72 hours. However, if you transfer a character from one account to another, you can perform subsequent transfers (whether to another account or to a new realm) only after 30 days
  • You cannot transfer a character boosted in the past 72 hours
  • You cannot transfer a character that isn't at least level 10. In addition:
    • Demon Hunter and Dracthyr characters must have completed theirstarting zone quest lines.
    • Worgen characters must have left Gilneas and Goblin characters must have left Kezan
    • Any character that starts at Exile's Reach must have left Exile's Reach
  • You cannot transfer a character with active auctions on the Auction House
  • You cannot transfer a character with heirlooms in your inventory or equipped.
  • You cannot transfer a character with mail in the mailbox
  • You cannot transfer a character that has a WoW Token
  • You cannot transfer a character with caged battle pets
  • You cannot transfer a Class Trial character
  • You cannot transfer a character that hasa pending character service
  • You cannot transfer a character to a realm in another region

Account Restrictions

  • You cannot transfer a character to or from a Starter Edition account
  • You cannot transfer a character to or from a suspended, banned, or closed account
  • You cannot transfer a character from an account with the latest expansion to an account without the expansion
  • If you have WoW accounts in two regions, you cannot transfer a characters between them

Consequences of a transfer

  • Raid lockouts transfer with your character. You cannot continue mythic raids started prior to a transfer
  • If your character's name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost. This is applicable when you transfer a character to another WoW account while remaining in the same realm
  • Your character's old name will be reserved for you on the source realm for 30 days
  • You cannot restore items that you destroyed, vendored, or disenchanted before the transfer
  • Your World of Warcraft friend list and ignore list will be cleared
  • Characters that have transferred in the last 60 days cannot receive a Realm First achievement
  • Your guild affiliation and tabard design will transfer. If you want to join another guild, you will need to manually leave your current guild

In addition, when transferring to another WoW account

  • You must select a new name for your character
  • Your old character name can only be used on the source account for the next 30 days

The Character Transfer service allows you to move a character to another WoW Classic Era realm only.

It is not possible to transfer a WoW Classic Era character:

  • to another WoW account or account
  • to World of Warcraft or WoW Classic Progression realms
  • to a WoW Classic Era Hardcore realm
  • to or from a seasonal realm

Characters canbe transferredfor freefrom a Hardcore realm to a WoW Classic Era realm. This transfer is final and cannot be changed or reversed.

Additional Restrictions

Customer Support cannot bypass any of the below restrictions.

Character and Account Restrictions

  • You can transfer a character only once every 90 days
  • You cannot transfer a character that isn't at least level 10
  • You cannot transfer a character with active auctions on the Auction House
  • You cannot transfer a character with mail in the mailbox
  • You cannot transfer a character to another World of Warcraft account
  • You cannot transfer a character that exceeds the gold limit for its level
    Character LevelMaximum Gold
  • You cannot transfer a character that is a Guild Master,you must transfer leadership to another member or disband your guild

Realm Restrictions

  • You cannot transfer a character to a realm in another region
  • You cannot transfer a character to a realm where you have the maximum number of characters allowed (50 per realm)
  • Hardcore transfers are only possible from hardcore realms to non-hardcore realms. It is not possible to transfer from one hardcore realm to another.
  • Season of Discovery transfers are not possible to or from any realm of any kind.

Consequences of a transfer

  • Your raid lockouts transfer with your character. You cannot continue a raid started prior to a transfer
  • If your character's name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost
  • Your character's old name will be reserved for you on the source realm for 30 days
  • You cannot restore items that you destroyed, vendored, or disenchanted before the transfer
  • Your World of Warcraft friend list and ignore list will be cleared
  • Your guild affiliation and tabard design will not transfer. You must join or create a new guild on your destination realm
  • Honorable kills, honor points, and ranking you earned between the weekly reset and the time of your transfer will not carry over. We recommend you transfer 24 hours after the weekly reset

The Character Transfer service allows you to move a character to another WoW Classic Progression realm only.

It is not possible to transfer a WoW Classic Progression character to another WoW account or account.

It is not possible to transfer a character between World of Warcraft, WoW Classic Era, and WoW Classic Progression.

Additional Restrictions

Customer Support cannot bypass any of the below restrictions.

Character and Account Restrictions

  • For a minimum of 90 days, possibly longer, Fresh Start realms will not be available destinations for character transfers
  • You can transfer a character only once every 3days
  • You cannot transfer a character boosted in the past 72 hours
  • You cannot transfer a character that isn't at least level 10
  • You cannot transfer a character with active auctions on the Auction House
  • You cannot transfer a character with mail in the mailbox
  • You cannot transfer a character to another World of Warcraft account
  • You cannot transfer a character to a realm in another region
  • You cannot transfer a character that exceeds the gold limit for its level
    Character LevelMaximum Gold
  • You cannot transfer a character that is a Guild Master,you must transfer leadership to another member or disband your guild

Realm Restrictions

  • You cannot transfer a character to a realm in another region
  • For a minimum of 90 days, possibly longer, Fresh Start realms will not be available destinations for character transfers

Consequences of a transfer

  • Your raid lockouts transfer with your character. You cannot continue a raid started prior to a transfer
  • If your character's name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost
  • Your character's old name will be reserved for you on the source realm for 30 days
  • You cannot restore items that you destroyed, vendored, or disenchanted before the transfer
  • Your World of Warcraft friend list and ignore list will be cleared
  • Your guild affiliation and tabard design will not transfer. You must join or create a new guild on your destination realm
  • Characters that have transferred in the last 10 days cannot receive a Realm First achievement
  • PvP progress
    • Your Honor Points will transfer
    • Your personal Arena MMR will transfer
    • Your Arena Points will transfer. However, you will not be awarded Arena Points for the matches played on the source realm the week before transferring. We recommend you transfer after the weekly reset, once you were awarded the points for the previousweek
    • At the end of a PvP season, we recommend that you transfer only after receiving the rewards
Character Transfer Information and Restrictions (2025)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.